Walk 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hallelujah and Amen!

Today was a particularly trying day.  We had transportation issues this morning so Danny opted to stay home and get some of the mowing done.  Mom had class so she headed to church early and I brought up the tail with the two kids.  We were a little late arriving so Christopher didn't get to run up the front to see Aunt Lisa and then go to class.  Christopher decided he was not going to go to class this morning.  After chasing him in the foyer for a little while we went into the sanctuary for music.  The first song ended and Christopher let out a "yay" and clapped.  Let me qualify this with saying our service is a contemporary service and some people will raise their hands but we don't typically have the out loud "hallelujahs and amens".  I'm not saying this is good or bad, it's just how we are.  So the song ends, there is silence and Christopher yells from the back, Yay!. The back part of the church turns to see who it is (and they are all smiling) and a few other people join in with the clapping!  Soon there is a nice applause going.  We make our way to some seats (next to his sitter), I'm hoping she will be a help to keep him calm, but oh-no, I'm fighting with him to stay still.  The sitter did try to help me, but Christopher was just too wound up.  At the end of every song, Christopher let out a "yay" and clapped.  I took him back out after singing was over and managed to get him to stay in class, the teacher bribed him with a cupcake, so I coud get in for the rest of the service.

After taking Allison to her tumbling class and sitting on the mat to watch, I could barely move.  I get home and I'm walking like an old lady (no offense to anyone).  I go lay down for a while and later in pops Christopher, "hello mommy" and he treats me like a slide when I bend my legs.  My back is feeling better but I can still feel it in my shoulders.  So Hallelujah and Amen, I wrestled with a bear today and survived. I really hope he sleeps in some tomorrow.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I can't just pick him up and lug him where I need him to go.

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