Walk 2011

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What is "normal"?

Well, I got off to a good start and then it kinda fizzled out.  Let's try this again.

All kinds of stuff has been going on, hence the absence.  We do have an important day approaching.  Our young Christopher turns 4 years old this month.  One of the biggest challenges I have is trying to not look too far into the future.  I can see how far he has come over the past couple of years but the unknown future still scares me.  I know he is only 4 (almost) but I want to know if he will be in regular kindergarten, get a regular diploma, go to college, get married and have a family.  It's hard to not worry about the future.  It's so easy to settle on what he can't do and then be sad about it.

There are many days you wouldn't even be able to tell he was ever on the spectrum and other days when he's flapping or has that look in his eyes.  Do you know the "look"?  It's not necessarily the absent look but just a different look.  For me, it's his autistic look.  I know that autism doesn't come and go like the wind but Christopher is anything but typical, even when it comes to his atypical development.  I'm at the point now that I don't even know what "normal" is for a 4 year old.  Maybe he is acting more normal than I know and I just blow everything out of proportion. 

I've had lots of different times when I thought "I should blog this" but then get distracted so maybe with this little restart I'll manage to write more often.


  1. :) I know that look......I love turning the channel to a different moment, maybe a flappable moment that cues me into something I missed. I love different takes on life, different appreciations. I still love the flappable happy moments, the here and now. It carries me to a good place for the moment. Appreiating something I may of passed by hurriedly......I like turning the channel to a moment I had not seen at first............Thank you Deb.........Amy

  2. I don't think there is such a thing as normal. God made each of us special and unique and just the way he wanted us. Christopher is absolutely normal, for Christopher! If it helps, I think it's normal for all parents to worry about their children's future. I think your goal of just taking it day by day is good! You never know what God has in store for Christopher, but I am sure it will be

    1. Thanks Terrie & Amy for the encouraging words
