Walk 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

It has been a hectic couple of months.  I'm in my final week of class and will have a one week break before starting the next class.  I'm only doing one class next term to ease my stress levels.  The kids finished school earlier this month.  Christopher will start Summer School in a couple of weeks.  I'll actually be out of town for work his first two days.  Allison is away for Girl Scout Camp and is trying to talk us into sending her to church camp next week.  With that over with, the meaning behind today's title:

What are Little Boys Made of?  Some versions say Snips and others say Frogs.  How does that apply to my world?  Christopher has developed an imagination.  At times, it seems to be a little extreme.  He has started to pretend to be a puppy.  He barks and tries to give puppy kisses, but I think I put a stop to that one.  My mom lives behind our house down a hill and keeps Christopher until I get home from work.  I've been calling to say send the kids up and I wait for him half-way down the hill.  Christopher has been crawling up the hill on his hands and feet.  He will stand every few feet to regain himself and then its back to all fours.  I'll admit it has been cute.  He looks up with those big eyes and gives a little bark and on he goes.  Perhaps something a little more disturbing has been he wants to eat like a puppy too.  This may include licking his plate but it has also included eating off of the floor.  So far I can say thank goodness he isn't eating or drinking out of the dog's bowls.

Christopher has continued to be an inspiration at church.  He causes some disruption but I take him to class after we sing so he will not disrupt the sermon.  My goal is not to get attention for him but for him to tolerate following my direction and what I want him to do for that short time period.  When we are consistent, he has been able to maintain good behavior for the entire singing time.  The congregation has appreciated him being in the service and I have not had anyone complain to me about his behavior.  I have people tell me they miss him when we've attended the other service.

Another awesome thing was our last haircut experience.  Christopher had been getting a bit shaggy so it was time to deal with it.  The girl that cut his hair has worked with him before and did very good.  She suggested we try clippers and that was a lot easier.  I think I like the scissor cut look for the top but its just hair.  It grows back.  He'll need another cut before fall.  They gave him a sucker and he sat really well (Mammaw still holds him).  We did have to do a little clean-up afterwards because he was finished before the stylist.  But in the end he has a good little boy cut.

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